Thursday, October 25, 2012

Garden take 1

My attempt at gardening this year was fair at best. My biggest challenge this summer was defending myself from West Nile Virus. I had a horrible time keeping up with the vegetation this year because every second I stayed outdoors with skin exposed, I was preyed upon by mosquitos! In the spring time, I planned my garden. I bought a few plants from the store: tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and cantaloupe.  I decided to plant 2 items by seed: lettuce and broccoli. The lettuce grew quickly through the spring and provided us with several salads. It was very exciting. The broccoli began to grow quickly as well but showed itself just as leaves. I really had no idea what to expect from it, since I was a first time grower. As late summer came, the plants continued to grow big and plentiful. Finally, the fruit became visible. I will harvest it in the next few days and give it a try. It's a very rewarding feeling to grow your own food. I'm excited to take my little bit of knowledge into next year's season and grow more produce in a improved quality and quantity.

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